Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracLinks

10/25/17 18:15:46 (7 years ago)



  • TracLinks

    v1 v2  
    1 = Trac Links =
     1= Trac Links
    4 TracLinks are a fundamental feature of Trac, because they allow easy hyperlinking between the various entities in the system—such as tickets, reports, changesets, Wiki pages, milestones, and source files—from anywhere WikiFormatting is used.
    6 TracLinks are generally of the form '''type:id''' (where ''id'' represents the
    7 number, name or path of the item) though some frequently used kinds of items
    8 also have short-hand notations.
    10 == Where to use TracLinks ==
     6TracLinks are a fundamental feature of Trac, because they allow easy hyperlinking between the various entities in the system — such as tickets, reports, changesets, Wiki pages, milestones, and source files — from anywhere where WikiFormatting is used.
     8TracLinks are generally of the form '''type:id''' (where ''id'' represents the number, name or path of the item) though some frequently used kinds of items also have short-hand notations.
     10== Where to use TracLinks
    1112You can use TracLinks in:
    1718and any other text fields explicitly marked as supporting WikiFormatting.
    19 == Overview ==
     20== Overview
    2122||= Wiki Markup =||= Display =||
    2829 Milestones :: `milestone:1.0`
    2930 Attachment :: `attachment:example.tgz` (for current page attachment), `attachment:attachment.1073.diff:ticket:944` (absolute path)
    30  Changesets :: `r1`, `[1]`, `changeset:1` or (restricted) `[1/trunk]`, `changeset:1/trunk`
     31 Changesets :: `r1`, `[1]`, `changeset:1` or (restricted) `[1/trunk]`, `changeset:1/trunk`, `[1/repository]`
    3132 Revision log :: `r1:3`, `[1:3]` or `log:@1:3`, `log:trunk@1:3`, `[2:5/trunk]`
    3233 Diffs :: `diff:@1:3`, `diff:plugins/0.12/mercurial-plugin@9128:9953`,
    4344 Milestones :: milestone:1.0
    4445 Attachment :: attachment:example.tgz (for current page attachment), attachment:attachment.1073.diff:ticket:944 (absolute path)
    45  Changesets :: r1, [1], changeset:1 or (restricted) [1/trunk], changeset:1/trunk
     46 Changesets :: r1, [1], changeset:1 or (restricted) [1/trunk], changeset:1/trunk, [1/repository]
    4647 Revision log :: r1:3, [1:3] or log:@1:3, log:trunk@1:3, [2:5/trunk]
    4748 Diffs :: diff:@1:3, diff:plugins/0.12/mercurial-plugin@9128:9953,
    53 '''Note:''' The wiki:CamelCase form is rarely used, but it can be convenient to refer to
    54 pages whose names do not follow WikiPageNames rules, i.e., single words,
    55 non-alphabetic characters, etc. See WikiPageNames for more about features specific
    56 to links to Wiki page names.
     54'''Note:''' The wiki:CamelCase form is rarely used, but it can be convenient to refer to pages whose names do not follow WikiPageNames rules, ie single words, non-alphabetic characters, etc. See WikiPageNames for more about features specific to links to Wiki page names.
     102|||| Quoting can be used with the full notation to allow brackets in the label. ||
     105[TracIni#logging-log_type-option "[logging] log_type"]
     109[TracIni#logging-log_type-option "[logging] log_type"]
    105113TracLinks are a very simple idea, but actually allow quite a complex network of information. In practice, it's very intuitive and simple to use, and we've found the "link trail" extremely helpful to better understand what's happening in a project or why a particular change was made.
    108 == Advanced use of TracLinks ==
    110 === Relative links ===
     115== Advanced use of TracLinks
     117=== Relative links
    112119To create a link to a [trac:SubWiki SubWiki]-page just use a '/':
    129136But in practice you often won't need to add the `../` prefix to link to a sibling page.
    130 For resolving the location of a wiki link, it's the target page closest in the hierarchy
    131 to the page where the link is written which will be selected. So for example, within
    132 a sub-hierarchy, a sibling page will be targeted in preference to a toplevel page.
     137For resolving the location of a wiki link, it's the target page closest in the hierarchy to the page where the link is written which will be selected. So for example, within a sub-hierarchy, a sibling page will be targeted in preference to a toplevel page.
    133138This makes it easy to copy or move pages to a sub-hierarchy by [[WikiNewPage#renaming|renaming]] without having to adapt the links.
    135 In order to link explicitly to a [=#toplevel toplevel] Wiki page,
    136 use the `wiki:/` prefix.
    137 Be careful **not** to use the `/` prefix alone, as this corresponds to the
    138 [#Server-relativelinks] syntax and with such a link you will lack the `/wiki/`
    139 part in the resulting URL.
    141 ''(Changed in 0.11)'' Note that in Trac 0.10, using e.g. `[../newticket]`  may have worked for linking to the `/newticket` top-level URL, but since 0.11, such a link will stay in the wiki namespace and therefore link to a sibling page.
    142 See [#Server-relativelinks] for the new syntax.
    144 === Link anchors ===
     140To link explicitly to a [=#toplevel toplevel] Wiki page, use the `wiki:/` prefix. Be careful **not** to use the `/` prefix alone, as this corresponds to the [#Server-relativelinks] syntax and with such a link you will lack the `/wiki/` part in the resulting URL. A link such as `[../newticket]` will stay in the wiki namespace and therefore link to a sibling page.
     142=== Link anchors
    146144To create a link to a specific anchor in a page, use '#':
    186184 [trac:source:trunk/trac/ ISystemInfoProvider]
    188 === InterWiki links ===
    190 Other prefixes can be defined freely and made to point to resources in other Web applications. The definition of those prefixes as well as the URLs of the corresponding Web applications is defined in a special Wiki page, the InterMapTxt page. Note that while this could be used to create links to other Trac environments, there's a more specialized way to register other Trac environments which offers greater flexibility.
    192 === InterTrac links ===
     186=== InterWiki links
     188Other prefixes can be defined freely and made to point to resources in other Web applications. The definition of those prefixes as well as the URLs of the corresponding Web applications is defined in a special Wiki page, the InterMapTxt page. Note that while this could be used to create links to other Trac environments, there is a more specialized way to register other Trac environments which offers greater flexibility.
     190=== InterTrac links
    194192This can be seen as a kind of InterWiki link specialized for targeting other Trac projects.
    199197See InterTrac for the complete details.
    201 === Server-relative links ===
    203 It is often useful to be able to link to objects in your project that
    204 have no built-in Trac linking mechanism, such as static resources, `newticket`,
    205 a shared `/register` page on the server, etc.
    207 To link to resources inside the project, use either an absolute path from the project root,
    208 or a relative link from the URL of the current page (''Changed in 0.11''):
     199=== Server-relative links
     201It is often useful to be able to link to objects in your project that have no built-in Trac linking mechanism, such as static resources, `newticket`, a shared `/register` page on the server, etc.
     203To link to resources inside the project, use either an absolute path from the project root, or a relative link from the URL of the current page (''Changed in 0.11''):
    224219Display: [//register Register Here] or [[//register|Register Here]]
    226 === Quoting space in TracLinks ===
    228 Immediately after a TracLinks prefix, targets containing space characters should
    229 be enclosed in a pair of quotes or double quotes.
     221=== Quoting space in TracLinks
     223Immediately after a TracLinks prefix, targets containing space characters should be enclosed in a pair of quotes or double quotes.
    231225 * !wiki:"The whitespace convention"
    238232 * ![[attachment:the file.txt]]
    240 === Escaping Links ===
     234=== Escaping Links
    242236To prevent parsing of a !TracLink, you can escape it by preceding it with a '!' (exclamation mark).
    250244 ![42] is not a link either.
    253 === Parameterized Trac links ===
     246=== Parameterized Trac links
    255248Many Trac resources have more than one way to be rendered, depending on some extra parameters. For example, a Wiki page can accept a `version` or a `format` parameter, a report can make use of dynamic variables, etc.
    261254 - `[/newticket?summary=Add+short+description+here create a ticket with URL with spaces]`
    264 == TracLinks Reference ==
     256== TracLinks Reference
    265258The following sections describe the individual link types in detail, as well as notes on advanced usage of links.
    267 === attachment: links ===
     260=== attachment: links
    269262The link syntax for attachments is as follows:
    272265 * !attachment:the_file.txt:ticket:753 creates a link to the attachment the_file.txt of the ticket 753
    274 Note that the older way, putting the filename at the end, is still supported: !attachment:ticket:753:the_file.txt.
     267Note that the older way, putting the filename at the end, is still supported: !attachment:ticket:753:the_file.txt, but is not recommended.
    276269If you'd like to create a direct link to the content of the attached file instead of a link to the attachment page, simply use `raw-attachment:` instead of `attachment:`.
    280273See also [#export:links].
    282 === comment: links ===
     275=== comment: links
    284277When you're inside a given ticket, you can simply write e.g. !comment:3 to link to the third change comment.
    291284 - `ticket:123#comment:description`
    293 === htdocs: links ===
     286=== htdocs: links
    295288Use `htdocs:path/to/file` to reference files in the `htdocs` directory of the Trac environment, the [TracEnvironment#DirectoryStructure web resource directory].
    297 === query: links ===
     290=== query: links
    299292See TracQuery#UsingTracLinks and [#ticket:links].
    301 === search: links ===
     294=== search: links
    303296See TracSearch#SearchLinks
    305 === ticket: links ===
    306  ''alias:'' `bug:`
     298=== ticket: links
     300 ''aliases:'' `bug:`, `issue:`
    308302Besides the obvious `ticket:id` form, it is also possible to specify a list of tickets or even a range of tickets instead of the `id`. This generates a link to a custom query view containing this fixed set of tickets.
    312306 - `ticket:1,150`
    314 ''(since Trac 0.11)''
    316 === timeline: links ===
    318 Links to the timeline can be created by specifying a date in the ISO:8601 format. The date can be optionally followed by a time specification. The time is interpreted as being UTC time, but alternatively you can specify your local time, followed by your timezone if you don't want to compute the UTC time.
     308=== timeline: links
     310Links to the timeline can be created by specifying a date in the ISO:8601 format. The date can be optionally followed by a time specification. The time is interpreted as being UTC time, but if you don't want to compute the UTC time, you can specify a local time followed by your timezone offset relative to UTC.
    323315 - `timeline:2008-01-29T15:48Z`
    324316 - `timeline:2008-01-29T16:48+01`
    326 ''(since Trac 0.11)''
    328 === wiki: links ===
     317 - `timeline:2008-01-29T16:48+0100`
     318 - `timeline:2008-01-29T16:48+01:00`
     320=== wiki: links
    330322See WikiPageNames and [#QuotingspaceinTracLinks quoting space in TracLinks] above. It is possible to create a link to a specific page revision using the syntax WikiStart@1.
    332 === Version Control related links ===
    334 It should be noted that multiple repository support works by creating a kind of virtual namespace for versioned files in which the toplevel folders correspond to the repository names. Therefore, in presence of multiple repositories, a ''/path'' specification in the syntax of links detailed below should start with the name of the repository. If omitted, the default repository is used. In case a toplevel folder of the default repository has the same name as a repository, the latter "wins". One can always access such folder by fully qualifying it (the default repository can be an alias of a named repository, or conversely, it is always possible to create an alias for the default repository, ask your Trac administrator).
     324=== Version Control related links
     326It should be noted that multiple repository support works by creating a kind of virtual namespace for versioned files in which the toplevel folders correspond to the repository names. Therefore, in presence of multiple repositories, a ''/path'' specification in the syntax of links detailed below should start with the name of the repository. If omitted, the default repository is used. In case a toplevel folder of the default repository has the same name as a repository, the latter "wins". One can always access such folder by fully qualifying it. The default repository can be an alias of a named repository, or conversely, it is always possible to create an alias for the default repository, ask your Trac administrator.
    336328For example, `source:/trunk/COPYING` targets the path `/trunk/COPYING` in the default repository, whereas `source:/projectA/trunk/COPYING` targets the path `/trunk/COPYING` in the repository named `projectA`. This can be the same file if `'projectA'` is an alias to the default repository or if `''` (the default repository) is an alias to `'projectA'`.
    338 ==== source: links ====
     330==== source: links
    339332 ''aliases:'' `browser:`, `repos:`
    341 The default behavior for a source:/some/path link is to open the browser in that directory directory
    342 if the path points to a directory or to show the latest content of the file.
     334The default behavior for a `source:/some/path link` is to open the browser in that directory directory if the path points to a directory or to show the latest content of the file.
    344336It's also possible to link directly to a specific revision of a file like this:
    345337 - `source:/some/file@123` - link to the file's revision 123
    346338 - `source:/some/file@head` - link explicitly to the latest revision of the file
     339 - `source:/some/file@named-branch` - link to latest revision of the specified file in `named-branch` (DVCS such as Git or Mercurial)
    348341If the revision is specified, one can even link to a specific line number:
    349342 - `source:/some/file@123#L10`
    350343 - `source:/tag/0.10@head#L10`
     344 - `source:/some/file@named-branch#L10`
    352346Finally, one can also highlight an arbitrary set of lines:
    353  - `source:/some/file@123:10-20,100,103#L99` - highlight lines 10 to 20, and lines 100 and 103.
    354    ''(since 0.11)''
     347 - `source:/some/file@123:10-20,100,103#L99` - highlight lines 10 to 20, and lines 100 and 103, and target line 99
     348 - or without version number (the `@` is still needed): `source:/some/file@:10-20,100,103#L99`. Version can be omitted when the path is pointing to a source file that will no longer change (like `source:/tags/...`), otherwise it's better to specify which lines of //which version// of the file you're talking about.
    356350Note that in presence of multiple repositories, the name of the repository is simply integrated in the path you specify for `source:` (e.g. `source:reponame/trunk/README`). ''(since 0.12)''
    358 ==== export: links ====
     352==== export: links
    360354To force the download of a file in the repository, as opposed to displaying it in the browser, use the `export` link.  Several forms are available:
    362356 * `export:123:/some/file` - get revision 123 of the specified file
    363357 * `export:/some/file@123` - get revision 123 of the specified file
     358 * `export:/some/file@named-branch` - get latest revision of the specified file in `named-branch` (DVCS such as Git or Mercurial).
    365360This can be very useful for displaying XML or HTML documentation with correct stylesheets and images, in case that has been checked in into the repository. Note that for this use case, you'd have to allow the web browser to render the content by setting `[browser] render_unsafe_content = yes` (see TracIni#browser-section), otherwise Trac will force the files to be downloaded as attachments for security concerns.
    367362If the path is to a directory in the repository instead of a specific file, the source browser will be used to display the directory (identical to the result of `source:/some/dir`).
    369 ==== log: links ====
     364==== log: links
    371366The `log:` links are used to display revision ranges. In its simplest form, it can link to the latest revisions of the specified path, but it can also support displaying an arbitrary set of revisions.
    375370 - `log:@20788,20791:20795` - list revision 20788 and the revisions from 20791 to 20795
    376371 - `log:/trunk/tools@20788,20791:20795` - list revision 20788 and the revisions from 20791 to 20795 which affect the given path
     372 - `log:/tools@named-branch` - the revisions in `tools` starting from the latest revision in `named-branch` (DVCS such as Git or Mercurial)
    378374There are short forms for revision ranges as well:
    383379Finally, note that in all of the above, a revision range can be written either as `x:y` or `x-y`.
    385 In the presence of multiple repositories, the name of the repository should be specified as the first part of the path, e.g. `log:repos/branches` or `[20-40/repos]`.
     381==== Multi-repository links
     383In the presence of multiple repositories, the name of the repository should be specified as the first part of the path:
     384- `log:repos/branch`
     385- `[20-40/repos]`
     386- `r20/repos`
    388389See also: WikiFormatting, TracWiki, WikiPageNames, InterTrac, InterWiki