Changes between Initial Version and Version 12 of TimingAndEstimationPluginUserManual

12/31/69 21:23:30 (55 years ago)
Timing and Estimation Plugin



  • TimingAndEstimationPluginUserManual

    v1 v12  
     3= Timing and Estimation Plugin User Manual =
     4[ TimingAndEstimationPlugin on TracHacks] | [ Open Tickets] | [ New Ticket]  |
     5[ Web Browsable Source Code]
     7== Abstract Design Goal ==
     8My goal in writing this plugin was to use as much of the existing structure as possible (therefore not needing to add extra structure that might make maintainability difficult).  The largest downside I have found to this is that there is no way to attach more permissions to anything.
     10== Custom Ticket Fields ==
     11In adhering to our design goal, rather than creating a new ticket interface, I create some custom fields and a small daemon to watch over them. 
     13=== Fields: ===
     14 * '''Hours to Add''' This field functions as a time tracker.  When you add hours to it , those hours get added to the total hours field.  The person  who made the change is there fore credited with the hours spent on it.
     15 * '''Total Hours''' This field is the total number of hours that have been added to the project. This has been made uneditable by including javascript which replaces the input box with a span containing its value
     16   * Reports might not agree with each other if this is manually edited (which is possible if you disable javascript).
     17 * '''Is this billable?''' An extra flag on tickets so that they can be marked as billable / not billable.
     18 * '''Estimated Hours''' a field that contains the estimated amount of work
     19=== Future Fields ===
     20 * '''Ticket Rate''' The ability to attach a cost per hour or total amount to an individual ticket
     22== Management Page ==
     23This page provide a small interface for querying the tickets and adding a bill date at the current time. 
     24This interface mostly just gives you links that match the interface to open any of the give reports,
     25providing it the correct set of input parameters
     27The 'Management' button should be in the main title bar.  It is possible that if you are viewing at a low resolution, it was pushed off the edge of the screen.  Also if you are not logged in with report_view permissions, it will not show that button.
     29The direct url is '/billing'.
     32=== Set Bill Date ===
     34This button will add now as a bill date.  This is mostly to make it easier to select the last time you billed.
     36=== Configuration ===
     37==== TimingAndEstimation ====
     41#change what permission is required to view the billing/management screen
     42# default is REPORT_VIEW
     46== Reports ==
     47=== Report Types ===
     48We provide a few different reports for querying different types of data:
     49    * '''Billing Reports''' Currently the billing reports are the only time based reports, and are therefore useful for getting an estimate what tickets had times (and totals), and which developers spent their time where.
     50       * Ticket Work Summary
     51       * Milestone Work Summary
     52       * Developer Work Summary
     53    * '''Ticket/Hour Reports''' These reports are useful for reviewing estimates on a large scale or getting an idea of the project at large.  These reports currently ignore the time.
     54       * Ticket Hours
     55       * Ticket Hours with Description
     56       * Ticket Hours Grouped By Component
     57       * Ticket Hours Grouped By Component with Description
     58       * Ticket Hours Grouped By Milestone
     59       * Ticket Hours Grouped By Milestone with Description
     60=== Adding More Reports ===
     61To add reports to the Management screen sections, you must run the following sql against your trac database
     62Remember to fill in the @reportID of the report you want to insert, and to select the insert statement for the section of your choice.
     63 * {{{INSERT INTO custom_report (id, uuid, maingroup, subgroup, version, ordering) VALUES (@reportID , @uuid, 'Timing and Estimation Plugin', 'Billing Reports', 1, 0);}}}
     64 * {{{INSERT INTO custom_report (id, uuid, maingroup, subgroup, version, ordering) VALUES (@reportID , @uuid, 'Timing and Estimation Plugin', 'Ticket/Hour Reports', 1, 0);}}}
     66''NB: @uuid is a globally uninque identifier created via a tool such as {{{uuidgen}}} on Linux or various [ online tools]. It is used in this plugin to provide programatic reference to specific reports such that they can be upgraded successfully on future revisions of the plugin''
     68=== Removing a Report ===
     69To remove reports from the Management page, run the following query.
     70Remember to fill in the @reportID of the report you want to modify.
     71 * To remove for this version of the plugin (will be over written in future plugin upgrades)
     72   * {{{UPDATE custom_report SET maingroup='x'||maingroup WHERE report = @reportID;}}}
     73 * To remove permanently (wont be over written in future plugin upgrades)
     74   * {{{UPDATE custom_report SET version=9999, maingroup='x'||maingroup WHERE report = @reportID;}}}
     75''NB: The 'x' part is not important - you just need to make the column read something other than 'Timing and Estimation Plugin'.''
     77=== TAKE NOTE ===
     78 '''The reports can only be called from the Management Page. They will not work from the Trac View Tickets page. (Due to the custom variables that need values).'''
     80== Future Improvements ==
     81 * [ See tickets] at the [ project trac]